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On The Front Lines: Seamstress Answers Call for Help During COVID-19

Jan Sewing Masks 300x225 Jan Manning sews mask covers for hospital workers

Livonia, MI (March 25, 2020) - Across the country, hospitals are struggling to protect their own during the coronavirus outbreak.   But, a shortage of masks is making it difficult for health care workers who are on the front lines with those who are infected—and highly contagious—to stay healthy themselves.

That includes staff and administrators at St. Mary's Hospital in Livonia, Michigan.  Our coworker, Dan Manning, is a Community Technology Advisor for Connected Nation and lives in the region.  His wife, Jan, is among those who are taking up needle and thread to respond to a call for help.

Jan Manning is a seamstress, crafter and retired Home Economics teacher by trade. Last week, St. Mary's Hospital requested that anyone with sewing skills lend a hand. Jan is now making covers for the N-95 mask that our healthcare heroes badly need to protect themselves.

Masks 300x225 Several completed masks sewed by Jan Manning

"All of our healthcare workers are working so hard to help keep us healthy and safe", said Jan. "but they need to protect themselves as well. I’m just trying to do my part to help with that."

Want to help in your area? Check with local hospitals to see if they're accepting handmade face masks and mask covers.

A quilters community site shared free resources to help those who can sew make the masks. You can find a free pattern here, and there's a video demonstration that you can watch by clicking here.